Hello weary space traveller! Welcome to Across the Universe a fanlisting and future tribute to Princess Allura of Dreamworks Animation's Voltron Legendary Defender! Here you can read a bit about the character and add your name (and website if you have one) to a list of fans from around the world! This fanlisting is approved by and listed at The Fanlistings in the Animation > Characters category!
Navigation can be found above and below.
❖ Allura Future character tribute, not much here right now!
❖ Fanlisting Join the Fanlisting here.
❖ Allura Site information and links out.
Fanlisting Details
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 08th July 2020
Member count: 6, from 4 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Bobbi
Growth rate: 0 fans/day