What's a Fanlisting? A fanlisting is simply a website that people may join to show their appreciation and fandom for a certian topic. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. They are just a place where you can have your name listed along with other fans of the same subject. Fanlistings are a lot of fun to join. You can find out more about Fanlistings at TFL 101
- You must be a fan of Princess Allura.
- Please give a name. It does not need to be a real name, an alias or screen name will be fine.
- If you do have a website, I would greatly appreciate it if you could link back. It's not a requirement, but it's just a nice way to show your support for Princess Allura!
❖ Join Form Fill out the information to join the fanlisting here.
❖ Codes If linking back, here are some codes you can use!
❖ Members List A list of all the current fans.
❖ Update Form Change your information.
❖ Lost Password Change your password if you've lost it.