Hey! New Server!
So, I've changed hosts! Hurray!
Mainly, I'm working on a very large project which will need to make use of a cloud platform with the ability to scale up or down depending on traffic. The problem is, I don't know anything about cloud hosting, or how to really set up the type of server environment that I really need for this project.
I figured I'd learn by moving my projects over, one by one over to this new setup. I'm going with Linode, which is targeted for developers. You basically start out with a clean slate, no OS, pick the OS you want your server to run on, and then from there install everything either through the command line, through their stackscripts, or sometimes a control panel will install everything you need for you. (I went with the control panel).
Still, there's some kinks to figure out. My phpmyadmin is broke, so I have to import everything through the command line, but I can use it to modify entries in the database at least. It looks like I've gotten all of Quicksilver moved over successfully after a few days of trial and error. My bigger projects come next, which require a lot more than these sites (specific php libraries, use of git, and a lot more eventually I'm sure.)
Most of my sites are running entirely on php5, so I had to install dual php versions until I can get everything converted. Enthusiast has been upgraded by someone else for php7. So that won't be a problem. I need to check this particular script and go through the script I use to manage In The Fade. Those shouldn't be hard, but it will be another beast tacking the other projects.
This has been a fun learning experience, for sure! I've been slowly getting my toes wet into the world of web development rather than just hobbyist front-end design and making small sites of personal interest. There's a lot to learn, and having taken a break for so long between the years of 2012-2018 when I was working full time retail management, I'm so very far behind. I would like to fall back on something better should anything occur where I need to find another job.
Having some sandboxes, pet projects, and building a body of work will help that by far.
As far as the rest of my sites go? I haven't had the heart or motivation to go through and revamp them as I had hoped. I'd gotten far with Liberation, but it still needs some work, new articles, and I would really like to make everything on the domain mobile-first. Though some designs I'm still really attached to, even if they aren't designed to 2019 standards.
Until next time, see you later!
New Approved Fanlistings
Back from the last convention of the year! I was approved for some new fanlistings while I was gone, so here's what I'll be working on in the upcoming weeks!
- Angelic Pretty (fashion and beauty > brands)
- Alpacas (Animals > Herbivores)
- Princess Allura of Voltron Legendary Defender (Animation > Characters -- may eventually be a shrine/tribute once I clean up my existing shrines)
Waiting on approval from one other, but games is sometimes a little slow!
Considering turning Mintiness.org into a fanlisting collective, but will house non-character related fanlistings there and keep character related on this domain. Makes sense I think?
Welcome to Hepatica! I've decided to add a log for my networks! I've begun working on Mintiness.org, which will be a network dedicated to general and cute topics and fanlistings that are not video game or character related.
A new layout is coming soon to Quicksilver. The page is too cluttered and I'm desiring something a little more organized as I add more content to the site.