Journey to acceptance

Prompto's road isn't an easy one, but with determination and the love of his friends, he makes it through.

Brotherhood - Prompto's Childhood until the start of the game.

Starting Point - The beginning of the journey

Crossroads - Taking a turn for the worse

Branded for Life - Discovering the bitter truth

End of the Road - The long night turns to day


Deeper thoughts about Prompto and his signifigance in the story.

The Letter - Prompto, Lunafreya and the Prophecy

Sins of the Father - Verstael, Magitek, and the clones.

Ever at your Side - The signifigance of Prompto and Noctis' friendship

A Happy End? - Where do we go from here?

What can I say?

Why Prompto - Why I love this character so much

Resemblances - Characters that remind me of Prompto

Shipping - For funsies. We will go down with these ships.

VI & XV - Paying homage to, imo, the best of the series!