About the Website

Afterglow began in June of 2017, when I decided to get back into making websites to better hone in my webdesign skills. I decided that uploading my old character shrines and making new ones would be a great way to get back into the swing of things. I realized that I had three sites and I could really use another. Prompto being my current favorite, I decided to go ahead and create a shrine for him.

Why Afterglow? One of the definitions of the word is "the pleasant remembrance of a past experience, glory, etc". I felt this was extremely relevant to Prompto. At the end of the journey, all he has left to remember it, and Noctis, his closest friend and king are his photographs. It's sort of bittersweet, quite a bit like Prompto, don't you think?

The Design Not sure if I will switch this design up, because I really like this and I don't feel the desire to change layouts like we all did back in the early 00's. But this design features images of Prompto that I found online. The top header image was edited out of a dark background and then I drew in more hair to make it look more floaty and less like I just removed the background. The background image is from patterncooler. Everything else is just official art and me playing around with CSS.

About the Site Owner

My name's Bobbi and I've been playing Final Fantasy games in 1994 since the age 13. I started with Final Fantasy VI, and to this day, that game remains my favorite. There's a good reason why FFXV has become a favorite despite the glaring flaws, I love the references paid to FFVI. Anyway, I've been making websites since 1998 and have had some sort of web-presence since then. I work retail management, but in my spare time I enjoy lolita fashion, cosplay, and attend a lot of conventions. I also love to draw and write.

Why Prompto? Honestly, I wasn't very hyped for FFXV and I'd just been loosely following it but I was looking forward to playing. I guess I was kind of dismayed by all the FFXIII sequels and literally waiting ten years. I see what you did there, SquareEnix. Make us wait for FFXV like the Chocobros had to wait for Noctis to come back. Anyway, when I started playing, I didn't feel any bit attached to any of the characters. I'd laugh at what he was saying here and there but eh. I kept playing however. The turning point was when Prompto said "Oh Yeah! Seaside Supermodels!" I just started cracking up, because that was something I'd totally say. I'm not sure why that is, but I was pretty hooked from then on. I decided to cosplay him and I think that kind of cemented it into place. Episode Prompto broke my heart as if I couldn't love this poor boy any more. I'd say next to Terra, Prompto is probably my favorite Final Fantasy character now, bumping Rinoa out of her number two spot.

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