Name: Prompto Argentum / プロンプト・アージェンタム
Age: 20
Height: 173 cm (5'6")
Birthday: October 25th
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Weapon: Handguns and Niflheim machinery
Hobby: Photography
Favorite Foods: Cup Noodle, Peppery Daggerquill Rice, Meldacio Meat Pie, Spicy Long-bone Rib Steak

Official Biographies:

"Fast friends with Noctis since they met as teenagers, Prompto is a young man of common birth who finds himself out of his depth when tragedy befalls Lucis. Nevertheless, he strives to carry more than his own weight, lightening his companions' burdens as well as their spirits."
- Final Fantasy XV Website

"A boy of common birth, Prompto was little more than an acquaintance of the crown prince until high school. He accompanies Noctis on his journey as his best friend and strives to help his comrades in any way possible, even if it means simply lightening the mood when things get gloomy."
- Character Settings Reference Guide

In my own words

Prompto is the youngest and shortest member of the group. He's happy-go-lucky, silly, full of awful (or awesome, your take) puns. He's an animal lover, a gamer, and a giant, lovable dork. Prompto has the uncanny ability to break the fourth wall, often referencing RPG games, singing the Final Fantasy battle fanfare, and dancing along to the beat of the background music that is currently playing but he shouldn't be hearing.

However, the silliness and cheerfulness is a mask that he wears very well. Deep inside, Prompto is ridden with insecurities, fear, and moreover, constant nagging inadequacies. He knows he's not like Ignis and Gladio because of their formal and life-long training. Having just completed self-defense training before departure, he's very uneasy on his feet. He's come along on this roadtrip from hell just to be by his best friend's side and photograph it all. Prompto's also full of anxieties: small spaces, heights, creepy crawlies, and any wildlife that would like to make him their next meal (He's a pet kinda guy). He feels out of place, but he tries. Boy, does he try.

Despite all the inner turmoil, Prompto does his best to stay upbeat. It's his defense mechanisim, after all. He tries to keep a positive outlook despite everything that's happening. He's always laughing, trying to make the best ouf the worst situations, and of course snapping selfies whenever and wherever the moment strikes.

The poor guy tends to fall hard for every lady who seems to be way out of his leauge. He first falls for Cindy, and then later Arenea. Later, Arenea joins up with Prompto in Niflheim and they fight together. If anything, some sort of a relationship be it strictly platonic or romantic began to bud there, but who knows where it went? SquareEnix was very good about not pushing any specific pairings in this one, allowing the players to draw their own conclusions. Much later on, he's asking for dating advice from Gladio, so it's safe to assume that the poor guy just hasn't had much luck with the ladies.

Prompto is loyal, above all else, to his friends and especially to Noctis. He desperately wants to earn his place amoung them, knowing fully that he's just a "pleb". He fills a much-needed gap within their group, and helps to heal the most dark of moments, either with silly commentary, breaking out into song, or though unwavering support and companionship.