Prompto was designed to be a rather rugged sort of character in order to gain more appeal worldwide. Originally, his design was a lot different and was changed a great deal to be more likeable to the players. Considering how popular Prompto seems to be with other fans, being a fan and cosplayer myself (sea of Promptos anyone?), I really think it was a job well done!


Although Prompto is the shortest and most lithe out of the Chocobros, he is by no means weak or scrawny. While Gladiolus has a muscular body-builder shape, Prompto has a very fit and athletic build. Although he was originally overweight in his childhood, Prompto began taking up running. His build really reflects that of a runner's rather than someone who does heavy strength training like Gladio.

His hair is soft and choppy with longer strands in the front framing his face and shorter in the back. It's a golden, sunny blonde color. The top is styled upwards in a flip. I many ways, his hair almost resembles a Chocobo.
"My hair does NOT look like a Chocobo butt!!!"

Prompto has a longer and more angular face than he was originally depicted. However, despite methods to make him look more rugged and masculine, there is still a youthful boyishness about him that is very appealing, in my opinion. Prompto's face is covered with freckles and has a beauty mark or a mole, maybe above his left eye and at the corner of his mouth on the right side. He also has dark blue eyes that often appear almost l avender or purple depending on the light.

Prompto always wears wristbands over his right wrist, which covers the Magitek barcode. We only see it removed during Episode Prompto, and again when you receive the Kingsglaive uniform. In the No-Jacket option, his barcode is clearly visible, wristband cast aside as he's come to accept that aspect of himself.

Aside from the wristband, Prompto always has a bandana or frayed cloth tied to his right bicep. We are never really given the reason for this. Perhaps he was microchipped and the bandana is covering an ugly scar? Maybe it's just for decoration. We don't really know!

World of Ruin

When we see Prompto after the 10-year time-skip, his hair is a little shorter but still styled the same way. Perhaps he wanted to keep in the same for when Noctis would return? He's also grown a goatee. Prompto's face, shoulders and body has filled out more from both maturity and probably gaining more muscle due to constantly hunting daemons and protecting the remaining outposts left standing in the darkness.

Prompto has clearly aged by this point. We can start to see wrinkles forming on his forehead and bags have formed under his eyes. If you look closely, in some lighting, wrinkles are forming just to the side of his eye bags. Being over thirty myself, I don't see nearly this amount of aging in my own skin. It could be genetics. His biological "father" didn't age well at all. On the other hand, the factors that seem to have the highest impact how quickly one ages outside their genetics is diet as well as level of stress and rest. I think in Prompto's case, he's very stressed and probably doesn't rest much. He's either fighting to protect others and he's still waiting for Noctis to return. Even after ten years, I'm sure the thought was still in the back of his mind wearing him down and it's showing. Yet, he is still very handsome, I think!

Overall, I like thirty year-old Prompto more than I like him at twenty. He's cute at that age, but he's downright gorgeous when he's older.


Common themes that appear in Prompto's clothing are red, animal prints, and plaid. Red seems to be his favorite color and all of his outfits, except his Kingsglaive uniform involve it in some way.

Crownsguard Attire

This is his main outfit. It involves a weathered black denim vest that's covered in patches and studs. The back of the vest has a skull and large patches that read "Dead or Alive" and "Silent Scream" on the back. Other patches on the front include "It's a beautiful day, now watch some bastard mess it up" (or fuck it up, as it was originally), a black panther, three stars, wings, "ULF", a mouth with pointed teeth and a tongue sticking out, a number 1 logo, two wolves and a star, and a logo a little too closely resembling the Harley Davidson logo, except it says "Love and Peace" in the center. The studs on his vest and pants are silver, gold and bronze and do not seem to have any rhyme or reason to their order other than just going around the patches evenly.

Underneath the vest is an undershirt of sorts that's probably attached to it. It has two different types of plaid, one more of lumberjack sort of pattern on the left and a red, black and beige larger plaid pattern on the right. It's split down the back with both ends overlapping. The edges of the plaid fabric are fraying.

Prompto is wearing a black tank top under the vest with a white and silver crosshatch pattern that covers the entire shirt. The official ROEN design depicts crosses, but this probably had to be changed to be less offensive.

Prompto's pants are dark brown, nearly black with an animal print (coecuerl?) all over. On the left side is one large patch and the right has several patches running up the center seam. He wears a ball-chain attached to the belt loop on the left side with a skull dangling from it at the bottom. He also wears a white belt with a skull themed buckle. The end of the belt is left loose and not tucked into a belt loop.

His boots are black with red soles and a white cuff on the top. There's a belt with a buckle going across the top of the foot and around the ankle area. The back has a studded strap with more fraying fabric hanging off of it.

For accessories, Prompto wears black fingerless biker gloves and several leather studded wristbands on both wrists.

In my opinion, Prompto's Crownsguard outfit comes off as extremely edgy, but his character does not really come off that way. It could just be yet another mask that he wears to disguise his true self. Still, I think that it really does show off his more playful and light-hearted nature. Honestly, I feel like this design was made mostly to make cosplayers very frustrated. I swear if I ever see another stud again it will be too soon.

Casual Attire

Prompto's casual attire consists of a red tank top, beige pants with white stripes along the sides and a "17" with a circle around it screenprinted on the right near the knee. He wears a white cloth belt, with the end of the strap hanging loose. Prompto's footwear in this outfit are brown lace-up boots. He wears a tattered cloth tied to his right arm. On his right hand is one fingerless glove and a wristband. He doesn't wear a glove on his left hand, but he does have a black piece of leather covering his left pointer finger, probably to protect it from pulling the trigger on his gun.

Prompto's jacket in this outift is a black leather vest with a high and wide standing collar. Along the top pockets and the back is a dark brown and red plaid stripe. The jacket is zipped halfway and left open on the bottom. In the front are two coords that hang down in the front.

Tundra Attire

This is the outfit that Prompto wears in his DLC, Episode Prompto. You also get this in the main game after completing it.

Here, Prompto is bundled up in a wool double-breasted coat with fur trim. The lining is a quilted texture with one flap hanging down. The cuffs of the jacket are trimmed in fur and there's red piping running through the middle of the forearm separating the wool from a more nylon sort of fabric.

On top of the jacket is a holster for his various weapons. The front allows him to attach his pistol and the back allows for additional weapons such as the bazooka or the sniper rifle. Attached to his belt his his melee weapon, a sword, which can be seen clearly when he kneels down.

Prompto's snow pants are tighter and more brown-toned with red piping running up the back of the legs. The pants are also covered in a faint animal print. On the top right leg, there is a small patch of red plaid fabric present.

Although we can't see much of the shirt underneath, he wears a turtleneck shirt with a leather-like texture that hangs out the bottom of the jacket and lays over his legs.

His boots are brown and black with fur trim on the top. He's wearing black leather gloves and a black knitted beanie. Other accessories that you can add to his outfit are green-tinted snow goggles and a face mask.