Are cars supposed to do this?!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my humble little nerd collective! I hope you enjoyed the sites that I've created. Here, you'll find some cool links to similar collectives, friends and affiliates and some buttons to link back should you wish to do so!
Link to Quicksilver
Here are some buttons to link to, if you'd like!

Me Elsewhere
Networked: (non character collective) (personal site, blog)
These are people who are really awesome and make really aweosme things! Affiliation is open and I'm looking for sites with similar collectives, subject matter, and interests to affilate with!Links Out
2/2/25 Link check, clearing cobwebs.
Here are some similar domains that I really enjoy! I'm totally up for link exchanges, so please contact me if you'd like to!
after-death blizzara celes redcrown reflera rigelatin rinoa shattered-memories snow-heart wild-seven withinmyworld